Mark-Paul Gosselaar appeared in this exercise video for kids, along with Lark Voorhies.  The first half of the video features Arnold Schwarzenegger going to a school and working out with a bunch of 4th graders.  He takes them through a warm-up routine, then through various "stations" of exercise.  The second half of the video is an actual exercise routine with Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Lark Voorhies, and Ronda Belser.  The aerobics section also features Robert Ingram as "Mix Master B" rapping along with the exercises (he's not exercising).   None of their names are mentioned on the video cover and when they are introduced, it is by first names only.  However, their full names are in the credits at the end.

Below is a screen shot from the introduction at the beginning of this section of the video.  Mark-Paul was only on-screen for a couple of seconds for the introduction.  He was squirting water out of this drink container and waving it in front of his face.


In the first secion, Lark does the voice-overs as Mark-Paul, Lark, and Ronda do the warmup exercises.

The second section is the strength section.  Mark-Paul and Lark do push-ups, sit-ups, etc., while the screen occasionally flashes to Arnold, who gives encouragement.  A few times they show a split screen (below) with Arnold also doing the exericse.

Here's Mark-Paul and Lark doing sit-ups together.  First he held her feet, then they switched.  You can only hear the voice-overs, not what Mark-Paul and Lark might be saying while doing the exercises, but at the end of his sit-ups, you could see Mark-Paul saying something to Lark and she collapses with laughter.
This picture is from the aerobics section of the video.

In the last part of the video, Mark-Paul does the voice-overs for the "cool down" section of the video.



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This page last updated on September 9, 2001

TThis page created by veggie33.
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